Making Home Safe
Our parents’ house can be a precious place. After all, it could be the home we knew as a kid or the place they downsized to once you'd flown the nest.. Both you and your folks might be reluctant to change it in any way. But keeping our loved ones independent and safe can sometimes mean making adaptations to the house or getting new pieces of equipment.
These can be minor, like grab rails or ramps. The council has an obligation to provide these for free if they cost less than £1000 each and an occupational therapist from social services says the equipment is necessary. You simply call the council’s social services department and ask for a home care assessment.
You might want to be present when the assessment takes place, just to make sure the OT gets the full picture. If it’s tough for you to be there, don’t be shy to suggest using your smartphone or a tablet to connect via FaceTime, Skype, or other live streaming app. Also make sure you get the OT to explain the full range of equipment the authority can provide for free. Authorities have tight budgets and may not always be forthcoming about what’s available.